Thursday, 6 February 2014

Beyond the barricade is there a world you long to see?

It is time for us all to decide who we are.  No, not really.  (I seriously hope most of us know this already.  If not, probably a good time to hop to it.)  It is actually time for us (Yael & Cinders) to introduce you to a concept that is very close to our hearts. It is time to introduce you to the “Diversity Barricade.”

You might be side-eyeing the computer right now, wondering what dead, fictional revolutionaries and barricades have to do with the children’s book industry. We suppose this confusion is warranted, but let us explain.  

First, take a look at this wonderfully illustrated chart from Tina Kügler, illustrating the current level of diversity in children’s fiction:

Depressing, no?

We might not be Enjolras*, but recognizing the lack of diversity in children’s publishing gets our blood boiling with revolutionary fervour.